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Same Day Deliveries

In our ever changing fast paced world, clients are expecting faster deliveries, which will reduce down time.MA Hydraulics Ltd are able to offer local same day deliveries.One of our vans has no company signage so is ideal for deliveries straight to site.We deliver up...

Vivoil Flow Dividers

Due to the unfortunate demise of a UK flow divider manufacturer, we have increased our stock levels.MA Hydraulics Ltd stock an extensive range of geared flow dividers and have access to the bespoke solution for continual phase control – the MIA-FD.Place your...

6 Section pump

MA Hydraulics isn’t just a pick and pack. We have an experienced team who are able to build from stock numerous multiple pump combinations. Take a look at this 6 section pump being shipped to our customer. 54cc+22cc+11cc+11cc+9cc+6cc. If you are in need of any...

Product Update Announcement

Everything is on track for MA Hydraulics Ltd to expand and increase our product stock range. The Group 2 flow dividers and Group 3 motors are all on order and in the next few weeks they will be on our shelves awaiting your orders for Vivoil group 2 flow dividers with...

Vivoil Labelling Update

Vivoil are making one of their original products more recognizable from an imitation by using an updated labelling system. Click here for more information

Product Announcement

The beginning of 2023 brings an exciting start for MA Hydraulics, we are expanding and increasing our product stock range. Over the coming weeks we will be expanding our range of Vivoil group 2 flow dividers with and without phase correction. Also we will be stocking...